PokerStars Makes it Easier to Play Poker for a Living
1 Dec
This video explains PokerStars VIP Program, which is essentially a “Rake-Back” program, but instead of having to know some secret hand shake, it’s available to everyone!
So now a break even player, or even a slightly losing player can still make a decent living at over $100,000 a year! Lets be honest, I have a Master’s degree from an Ivy League school, and I’d be lucky if I could find a job making $60k to start. I’d rather bust my @$# playing poker and be in complete control of my life and schedule, than waste my life slaving away for the “Man”.
In conclusion, learn to play poker. It’s hard, but not harder than working 40+ hours a week in some scummy office for the next 20 years, only to get laid off when you’re 56 and find yourself living in a van down by the river.. LOL
On another note, both of the pros in this vid look as if they just finished a long session of poker. They’re not even interested in the video, they just want to get back to their gind stations.. Mercier looks like he found those pants behind his dresser, but he couldn’t find his belt so he just tied a rope around his waist. The funny part is, both these dudes are millionaires!
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